CSS Flexbox Generator

Welcome to the CSS Flexbox Generator! This tool helps you build flexible layouts effortlessly. Customize alignment, direction, and spacing, then copy the CSS code for your project instantly!

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CSS Flexbox is a layout model that simplifies the arrangement and alignment of items within a container, making it easier to create responsive web designs. By using display: flex; on a container, all direct children become flex items, allowing for flexible positioning and spacing.

Flexbox enables you to control the direction of flex items with the flex-direction property. You can align items in a row or stack them in a column using flex-direction: row; or flex-direction: column;, respectively. This flexibility makes it straightforward to design balanced layouts.

Alignment is another powerful feature of Flexbox. You can center items both horizontally and vertically with properties like justify-content and align-items. For example, justify-content: center; aligns items along the main axis, while align-items: center; does so along the cross axis, resulting in visually appealing designs.

Flexbox also allows you to control the size of items using the flex property, which specifies how much space an item should take relative to its siblings. For instance, flex: 1; means the item will grow to fill available space equally among others.

This layout model is particularly useful for responsive designs, as it adapts to different screen sizes without needing complex media queries. You can also reorder items using the order property, changing their visual arrangement without altering the HTML structure.